Monday, August 13, 2007

McGuinty's Ready for Battle

Well, I have finally recovered my voice from this weekend's Summer Fling up in North Bay. Hurray for not sounding like I'm 13! For the most part, what happens in North Bay, stays in North Bay but I do want to comment on the appearance by Dalton McGuinty. I first saw McGuinty speak in person at a barbecue in St. James' Town about six years ago. Back then, I walked away from his speech unimpressed. He was a strange mix of robotic and awkward. Well, that was then, and this is now. The Premier looked and sounded relaxed and engaging. He was at times funny at times, moving. He looked like a man ready to win a second term. He's proud of his record and proud of the province. He wants to move forward and he has a plan to do it. In other words, I walked away a lot more confident in our chances in the fall than I had been going in.

If you scan through the back pages of this blog, you'll know that I very rarely give myself over to partisan cheerleading (I find criticism a lot more fun). However, McGuinty doesn't look like the man who many people wrote off after the 1999 election disaster. He looks like a man who deserves four more years.

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